Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolution and Challenges For '10

Ok, so it's time to get serious about the New Year, which, if I may mention, begins tomorrow!  So, I have come up with some resolutions regarding my blog, and the reading I will perform this year!
  1. Read at least 1-2 books a week, and post up the reviews ASAP*
  2. Post everyday, or every-other-day.*
  3. Improve on how I've been writing my reviews.
  4. Become more efficient at contacting Publishers and Authors about interviews, as well as becoming more organized.
  5. Comment on other blogs more often!!!*
  6. Stick with one layout for at least 2 months before chaning it again (Personal LOL)
Well, I think I may have covered most of my Resolutions regarding my blog.  If I think of more I will definetly post them.  What are your resolutions, if any? I have also been having trouble finding some new Reading Challenges to participate in.  Can anyone help me find some interesting ones I might be interested in?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Contests for my sidebar

Since I still have quite a bit of space on my sidebar, I was thinking I could gather some contests happening around the blogosphere, and add them to my sidebar. If you are hosting one, or know of someone who is hosting one, I would love for you to leave a comment to this post, or email me at, so I could post them up here!

If you decide to do so, please include the name of the blog and a link. As well as what the promoter is giving away and the ending date! Thank you so much!

I will also be going around searching for some contests myself, and asking for permission to put the information on my blog!

New Year's Resolution: For my Blog

Has it been a while since I typed a post for my blog. It's kind of depressing. And well. I hope none of you have forgotten about me or this blog!

Because for the new year, I PROMISE to be more worthy of my reviews, my blog, and my wonderful followers. I have to admit, I haven't been in the mood to touch a book, or to bother writing up a post coming up with excuses. The reason? There are no excuses! I've realized I've been spending all the time I used to spend reading some amazing books, on Facebook, or watching TV, or schoolwork! And I REGRET it A LOT. I cannot believe I have thrown pretty much all of my hard work away because of some laziness!

And I got to thinking. I'm going to change it! What a greater way to begin in the brand new year of 2010, since it's only what... 2 days away?!

Well this is going to be my New Year's Resolution! To start my blogging again, and reconnect with my book blogging friends, and the amazing Authors and Publishers that helped me along the way!

I'm back everyone, and with a bang! Haha!
Please, please, please forgive me for being MIA the past couple weeks...ok, months!
But I will not be missing for that long again!

I'm planning on organizing my blog, following up on some of the recent comments that were posted, and getting my books organized on my TBR list.
And now, I am super excited to be back in the blogging world! Oh how I've missed it!