Ok, so this is one of the many books I am currently reading. It is interesting so far, and I heard it will get way better by the time I hit page 100 or so. If you have read this book, what were your thoughts?? I also have a question about it. How do I know who is talking? between the Wanderer and Melanie, I get confused between both of there thoughts. Help?
Ok, so nevermind! I figured it out, thanks to some very helpful people on bookdivas.com!
I loved this book -- definitely keep reading! I had a little bit of a hard time getting into it, but it's way more interesting as you get farther in. It ended up being one of my favorite books of the year. So far. :)
I love this book its almost better than twilight. Also I just startrd a blog on blogspot 2 and Im wonderin how did you get ppl to come to your blog and how you changed the template. My blog is www.punkiebrusterblog.blogspot.com
Also my blogs not just about reading i talk about everything!
wow! Great start on your blog! keep it up! What i would do to attract visitors is to keep visiting other peoples blog, keep commenting, and putting the URL with ur post so people will know your blog. I really cant say how I changed the background, only because I had someone do it for me, but if you want to have really cool widgets, add a chat box to your blog. Also, add a music playeer to it at myflashfetish.com....you can choose any music you want. Keep blogging!
it's a good book, but the first 100 pages or so, are kinda really hard to keep reading, but after that it's a pretty good book. And I like a lot, except the first 100 pages or so. ^o^
Thanks Tammy!
I really liked this book, keep reading! =]
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