Ok, So on july 18 I will be starting my 100 book challenge. It will end July 18, 2009. I will be posting the books i get done reading into a list on the sidebar of my blog! I will also be posting a poll if you think i have not enough, enough time to do this challenge. Do you also think I am doing this contest right? Do people usually hold limits of time?
Yes you are doing this challenge right. I try and do this every year, but I start on Jan 1 and finish Dec 31. I haven't ever accomplished it, but I have gotten pretty close. Right now I am up to 55 books, so not too bad. I want to be to around 70 before the end of the summer because I won't have a lot of time in college. Good luck!!!
And your blog is pretty cool. This is my first time and I'm sure I will be back again! I saw your link on book divas.
Thanks Allison!!!!! What is your username on bookdivas???? I just wasnt sure if i was doing it right lol
I am doing a 100 Book Challenge too on my own blog-www.fordiddenfruit0.blogspot.com
I am pretty shure you are doing the challenge right, thats how I am doing mine though you can't see the time limit on mine. I like you challenge and your blog!
Thanks Capricorn. I'll visit your blog and leave comments
wanna do a link exchange?
I didn't know where to post this so I will write it here. :)
I put your blog under my list of blogs. I think you will like Airhead-I know I did!, also I think Meg Cabot is planning on writing a book afer Airhead it was in the back of my book. I don't know when it will come out though...
I think if you like books by Meg Cabot you will like it, I know me, I like almost all books by Meg Cabot.
I am really enjoying it! Thanks so much Capricorn!!!
your welcome-have you read any other books by Meg Cabot [beside When Lighting Strikes] All of her young adult books are good(for me anyway,I am shure you could find others who disagre). Hope you like the ending of Airhead!
No, I havent read any others, but i plan to cuz she is sucha great author!!!! I'm not sure if i am ready for the adult stuff though. Ill look into it.
I don't read Meg Cabot's adult books only her young adult which is for teen age people.
Yeah, i like teen books, and i dont want to stop reading them!! Do you think its weird for an adult to read YA fiction???
no they can read whatever they want to if it is adult or young adult!
lol, I was just asking. Lol I didnt want to be the only 60 yea old still reading Meg Cabot or something. But she is an excellent author.
ya, she is but after a while for adults they would start to read adult books, I still read young adult because thats what I am a teen so thats what I read though the age when people start to read older books is up to them, I think I lot of young adult authors read young adult books and adult. So I alwas think you can pick to read whatever books you want to read!
Lol, yeah. ur right. Once i get older i will want to read those kinds of books. lol
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