Friday, May 29, 2009

Review: David Inside Out

TITLE: David Inside Out
AUTHOR: Lee Bantle

David Dahlgren loves the feeling of wind hitting his face, his feet slapping the ground at an even pace, winning for his cross country team. But he also loves something else. Something he would be criticized for if anyone found out. But does he even know it himself yet?
David has always had a thing for other guys, even if he is dating a girl to cover for it. Not wanting to go through the harsh judgement of his peers, and team mates, he turns to his "girlfriend" Kick to get him out of the picture for good. Thoughts crowd his mind every time he sees his friend, who also happens to be somewhat gay, and sometimes the thoughts make him feel uncomfortable, or not normal, but he knows he cannot help it.
The rubber band never did the trick. It only made his wrist sore after a thought provoked his mind, sending him into fantasies about Sean, or his other gay friend Eddie, whom he stopped talking to for a while. Every time him and Sean are together, it feels right to kiss or do other things they keep hidden from others.

At school though? Sean stays clear of David, for fear of his rich friends throwing him out of the pack. It's finally David's turn to come clean about himself, and his friends. The Gay Hot line only worked for a while, and the Gay Bookstore didn't do much help, other than finding him another romance novel. Will he finally admit to his girlfriend the reason for never wanting to kiss or be together alone? And will he finally admit his true feelings for other guys to his mother, and secret lover?

This coming of age book was far different than what I had thought it would turn out to be. Yes, I knew the main character David, was gay and all, but I didn't think it would go into full detail when he and another guy were together. The story seemed, in a way, depressing. I hated the main character for keeping it a secret, but I knew it would've been hard for him to come right out and say he was gay.
The book gives the reader incite as to how it feels to have a secret that could tear your life apart, or piece it back together, and that is what made it unique. I loved how the book told the story of someone becoming who they were, and it was truthfully versed.
Though, it could have had less detail in some graphic parts, because I became somewhat uncomfortable with the details and such.
Personally, I didn't have a problem with David, and who he was, but I hated all the kids who did harass him and Sean, or Eddie.
The plot was very fast paced at times, but slow at other times as well. It did pick up when you became bored, so that was a plus. The plot itself was unique, and far different than what I had expected as well.

If you are looking for something to read, I suggest you try this out.

It will be released this month.
ARC provided by InGroup.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Here is today's chance for you to win extra entries in my current giveaway! Click here for rules for the EXTRA segment.

The first 3 people to respond to this question by writing 1 paragraph, will receive 1 extra entry in the book contest. But you have to have already gained at least 1 entry before doing this! Click here to see how if you haven't yet! How did you get into reading? Was it a book you read, a friend, a librarian, a teacher? If you can remember, did it make you want to start blogging about books?
Just write me 1 paragraph answering the question! I
will add in your extra
entry asap!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I took the quiz!

If you aren't sure what quiz I am talking about, it is a book personality quiz that tells you what kind of reader you are, and the most common types of books you like to read or look for while shopping for them.
At first I was thinking "this quiz can't possibly know what kind of reader I am!" But I was totally wrong! This describes the type of reader I am, and I couldn't even put it into the terms it gave me if I hadn't of taken it!

It turns out I am 3 different types:

Your responses showed you fitting into three different personalities:

Involved Reader: You don't just love to read books, you love to read about books. For you, half the fun of reading is the thrill of the chase - discovering new books and authors, and discussing your finds with others.

Exacting Reader: You love books but you rarely have as much time to read as you'd like - so you're very particular about the books you choose.

Eclectic Reader: You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or limited range of authors.
These are very detailed in my opinion, because all 3 of them describe me perfectly. I totally adore the first one, Involved Reader, because I ABSOLUTELY love to read book blogs, and about books, and all of that jazz. It does give me a thrill on other readers opinions and their views. Everyone gives me ways of looking at something differently than what I would expect, and that is exactly what the reviews on different blogs show! Ha, and the Exacting Reader is somewhat like me... I do have time to read and all, it's just sometimes I don't feel like it.

Such as now, I am so ashamed of myself for the month, because I have only read ONE BOOK! AHHHHHHH! That's horrible, but if you have ever gone into that dreadful non-reading faze where picking up a book for a while will just kill you, then you understand. But, I think I am getting over that now (hopefully because I am getting tons of review books in the mail!!!) So, let's just pretend this month of reading never happened.
And as for the last one, I am totally open to new authors, because how are you supposed to find your favorite if you don't try new things? I have so many "favorite" authors, I don't really have a #1.

Hopefully I can get 1 or 2 books done before June comes!
If you still haven't taken this quiz, what's stopping you!!! Get with it! Ha, I'm just kidding, but you really should check it out by clicking here! If you do decide to take it, please, let me know if you blog about it by commenting! I'd love to hear from you!

Shadow Word generated at

Monday, May 25, 2009


I hope everyone knows about my current contest! If you would like to enter, wait! I want to make this one interesting, and fun for both you and me! So, if you want to win your very own copy of How To Buy A Love Of Reading, keep reading this post!

Ok, so if you want to get bonus, I mean bonus, entries, then keep reading!
Every 3 days, I will be putting up some extra fun stuff for you, so you can earn up to 5 extra entries added to your total!
Here is what you can do so far to get several extra entries from the original post:

1 Entry= comment to this post,
including your name, blog link, and email
2 Entries= Post this contest to your sidebar along with the ending date, prize,and link to this
3 Entries=Follow me if you already aren't, or if you
do, tell me along with all the other things needed in your comment!

Every time I post up your new opportunity to win this book, it will be titled Extra 1(2,3,4,5....) so you know when to look out for it!

BUT! In order to get some extra entries, you HAVE to comment to the original post here! Just follow the rules once you read through it.

Extra 1
1. Write and post a paragraph to this entry, how reading
has changed your life, and how it has played a positive effect on you,

2. Write another paragraph after that, on how it has
changed others around you.

Honestly, when I hear I have to write a whole paragraph+ on something that is hard for me to think of, I tend to just not do it. Your comment doesn't have to be a paragraph, but it has to be more than 2 sentences, obviously.
The first 10 people to reply to this post with the following rules posted above, will get 3 extra entries added to their total. But remember, you must comment to the original post, gaining at least 1 entry before doing this!!

Shadow Word generated at

Sunday, May 24, 2009

In My Mailbox

The Borrowed:

The Bought:
(Surprisingly None!!!!)

The Recieved

Pure from pulseIt

Sumary from Amazon: Tabitha and her four best friends wear purity rings, a visible reminder of their promise to remain virgins until they marry. At fifteen, it is mainly these purity rings and what they stand for that have kept them together. But now things are changing--and boys come into the picture. And when Cara breaks her promise, it turns their friendship upside down. Morgan and Naeomi and Priah drop Cara, refusing to be friends with her, leaving Tabitha split between staying loyal to Cara and disliking the fact that she broke her promise...will they five of them ever be able to make up their differences? Pure is a fresh, funny, and wise new novel that addresses everything from family differences and friendships to boys and religion. Tera Elan McVoy's writing is, plainly speaking, wonderful. She effortless captures the emotions associated with the apprehension and joy of first love, the anxiety and anguish of friendship troubles, and the uncertainty of beliefs in a large and diverse world. Tabitha is an extremely grounded and likable character who readers will easily be able to relate to and empathize with as she tries to find a balance between being loyal to herself and her beliefs, being loyal to her friends, and most importantly, being loyal to God. McVoy's personal, down-to-earth writing style and sense of how teens operate--in speech, attitude, and thoughts--is very obvious, making it seem as though Tabitha's world is your own. Pure is a wonderfully positive, realistically complicated, and sweetly romantic read that will challenge and strengthen your beliefs in friendship and God.

Perfect Chemistry from bookdivas

Summary from Amazon: "When Brittany Ellis walks into chemistry class on the first day of senior year, she has no clue that her carefully created “perfect” life is about to unravel before her eyes. She’s forced to be lab partners with Alex Fuentes, a gang member from the other side of town, and he is about to threaten everything she's worked so hard for—her flawless reputation, her relationship with her boyfriend, and the secret that her home life is anything but perfect. Alex is a bad boy and he knows it. So when he makes a bet with his friends to lure Brittany into his life, he thinks nothing of it. But soon Alex realizes Brittany is a real person with real problems, and suddenly the bet he made in arrogance turns into something much more. In a passionate story about looking beneath the surface, Simone Elkeles breaks through the stereotypes and barriers that threaten to keep Brittany and Alex apart."

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hey! If anyone is interested in winning the book How To Buy A Love Of Reading, here is your lucky chance!

  1. Have to comment with your name, blog link (if you have one) and email.
  2. Cannot enter more than once, unless you forgot to include some information in your original information.


  • 1 Entry= comment to this post, including your name, blog link, and email
  • 2 Entries= Post this contest to your sidebar along with the ending date, prize, and link to this post.
  • 3 Entries=Follow me if you already aren't, or if you do, tell me along with all the other things needed in your comment!
I hope you enjoy this contest, and thanks so much Tala, for donating a copy!

Contest ends: June 20th! Good Luck!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Freak The Mighty

TITLE: Freak The Mighty
AUTHOR: Rodman Philbrick

Judgment. The first thing that comes to everyone's mind when they see the giant and muscular Maxwell Kane is his murderous father, then the silent voice inside of their head, telling them to run for their life. But little do they know, Maxwell looks stronger on the outside, than he does on the inside.
Everyone that judges him though, lowers his self esteem, causing him to sink deeper in the "down under", away from his grandparents, and well, he has no friends. Until he meets Freak. Interesting right? It gets weirder.
It might be shocking to find out that Freak is only a fraction compared to the size of Maxwell, but his I.Q is far better.
On that hot summer day, meeting Freak was a tad bit scary, considering he was acting like an out of this world alien, his mouth shouting out words Maxwell didn't even know existed. The Fair Gwen, Freaks mom, was scared to find out that Freak would soon have a friend 10 times bigger than him.
But the team, "Freak The Mighty" must face larger problems than the street prowler bullies, or the secrets being hidden from them both, and the soon to be operated on Freak. A long lost relative will soon meet Maxwell, a murder and a liar, and just maybe, his father.
Will Freak survive his surgery, transforming him into a "robot", and will Maxwell finally come across the truth?

I'm kind of confused on what to say about this short book. It made me experience mixed emotions, and kept me confused on my whole thinking during this book. The book wasn't what I had expected at all, because it was more of an emotional, humorous book, than what I was expecting. Some parts were really cute and funny, like when Freak pulls out his dictionary, ashamed of Max's inability to understand the English language, or when they become the undefeated "Freak The Mighty."
But, I do have to warn you, the ending is very sad, because it explains how Freak has a very serious medical issue, when his insides continue on growing, but he stops. I felt really bad for them, but I knew they didn't care what others thought, because they lived in their own world, one no one else would understand. That world is the only place they fit in, because in the real world, they don't.
The message was a very teachable one being displayed as well. It shows that you can only judge someone, after you have lived in their shoes for a while. Many people may not have expected what Freak and Maxwell go through on a daily basis, but the book shows a great inside as to what it's like to be them.
It's a great emotional mix.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do you ever....

I was wondering if I am the only person that loves to read sometimes hates to read?
It's kind of like I am almost too lazy to read, or I just absolutly don't feel like it....
It's really weird, but I got through this "phase" almost every other month, and it drives me crazy!
So, I was wondering if any other bloggers/readers out there know what I am talking about, and know how to snap out of it?
Please, tell me I'm not the only one!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Template Problems!

Hey! As you can tell, I've been trying to find a new template that I will enjoy for a while, but I cannot seem to find one, or upload one successfully.

If there is anyone out there that would teach me how to upload a whole new template by email, that would be great!!!!

Here's a few templates I would love to have as possibilities:

Please, email me at, if you are willing to help me get a new layout, and if you know what to do to help!!
Thanks so much!

Friday, May 15, 2009

In My Mailbox

This week, I have recieved:

The Borrowed-
Freak The Mighty

The Bought-

The Recieved-
How To Buy A Love Of Reading (for review)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The 2 winners are!!!!!!!!

Wait for it..............................
Wait for it......................................


The 2 winners to recieve their copies of Elijah's Coin are.................

Email me in the next 2 days, or there will be a new selected winner!
Email:, and send me your mailing address so the author can send you his autographed book!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Wow! I got 2 more awards this week, and I am really impressed!
For the first award, I want to thank DeSeRt RoSe for giving me the "#1 Blogger Award!" I have no idea how I am going to pass this one along, because I love all the book blogs! I know this is probably going against the rules, when the real rules say to pass this onto several blogs you think are "#1", but I'm just going to give this award to anyone who reads this post! So, consider yourself #1!!!

As for the next award, thanks to Ashley for giving me the Kreative Blogger Award! The rules for this one include:
*Post 7 things you love
*Give award to 7 other bloggers who are creative.

7 things I love:
1. Reading

2. Thunder-Storms

3. Doing handstands

4. That feeling you get once you start a really good book. (Is it just me?)

5. Drumming

6. Writing stories

7. Blogging about books

I'm going to do 4 bloggers this time, because I think everyone deserves this award!!!

(I couldn't get the "#1 Blogging award uploaded!! Sorry!)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

In My Mailbox

Since I havent done this weekly meme for a while, I'm going to combine everything I have gotten in the past 3 weeks. Yes, it's not that much, but at least it's something.
  • SleepAway Girls from Bookdivas.
  • Perfect Chemistry from Bookdivas. (I haven't gotten this yet, but I will be getting it in the next day or 2 hopefully.)

Nothing at the moment!


  • Gossip Girl (Finally found a copy in another town!)
  • DreamLand

Monday, May 4, 2009

Julia Johnson: Author in the Spotlight, May!

Please welcome May's Author In The Spotlight, Julia Johnson!
Before we take off with this awesome interview, I want to apologize with my lack of reviews. When summer vacation hits, there will definitely be more! Next week (Monday) Mysterious Monday will return as well!
Now, here is the Author In The Spotlight!

Julia Johnson
Author of: Jewels Treasured By Her Family
Click here to buy.
  1. When did you know you first wanted to become an author?

I have been writing since I was a kid, it was a great outlet to express my feelings. It brought a calmness and comfort to me. I have known writing gives me a voice to my inner thoughts. I have many journals, short stories, and other writings I have done through my life. It has only occurred to me in the last few years “I am an author.” When I wrote my first manuscript and the publisher accepted was when I then realized a dream fulfilled. It is so exciting to have two books published now; Jewels Treasured by Her Family and Three Roses for Pearl

2. What did you always dream of being while growing up?

I had a bad childhood, so my biggest desire was to have a loving husband and large family with many children. I thought it would be the most wonderful thing to be a teacher because they got to teach and love children. The truth is these dreams have come true on many levels in my life. I believe in dreams and goals because they do come true. I have been married to my very loving husband for going on 26 years; I have a wonderful married daughter and two young grandchildren. I also got to be apart of children’s lives when I worked in a childcare center for ten years. I love children and their honesty.

3. How do you come up with character names?

I have been studying people very closely all my life, which has helped me in my creating characters and their names. I have been known to use people who have or are in my lives names. I think coming up with Characters and their names are like the frosting on the cake of each project. I do think my characters are believable and relatable. I have a gift of coming up with characters.

4. If you weren't an author right now, what would you most likely be doing?

In my life I never had the time to devote to my writing until now. Unfortunately I had to go on work disability which opened the door of time to write. If I didn’t have my writing to keep me busy I would try to find another outlet to create because I am an artist at heart. I have done some drawings, painting and creative lettering. I do spend much of my time with my grandkids because they are very important to me.

5. Is there a specific process you do before writing a story?

No, I don’t go by any special process, I just write until I can’t. I am tripped up by grammar and spelling so it is important for me to edit, edit, and edit more. I feel I have a few struggles in my writing that maybe others don’t face. I am dyslexic, bi-polar and suffer from depression. This is why I am amazed that I have achieved any success. In my books I have a theme of overcoming and doing the best to live worthy lives.

6. Do you have a comfort food, or snack that you usually eat while writing?

I drink coke zero like water and water but don’t eat much when on a serious writing session.

7. Where do you like to write?

I have a back office in my home. It is full of windows and the bright sunlight shines in when I am there. I have a CD player, printer and my PC and am ready for the thoughts to flow!

8. Who is your favorite author and why?

In the past two years I have been doing reviews for other unknown authors, mostly from the same publisher as myself. A.W. Nutter, Curtis E. Gibson, Melissa S Diaz, Susan Beth Nemitz, Norma Davis, BJ Myers, and Dave Sheed are a few of the very talented ones I have read! So I have to admit I have not been reading many mainstream well known authors for while. I want to say each of these authors kept my attention and have wrote very good books and well worth the time to check them out: on

9. Do you get stressed while writing? Or get writer's block a lot?

I don’t crowd myself with overwhelming time restrains so it takes off the stress. I do get writers block but know it is temporary because my imagination is always in overdrive.

10. What time of day do the ideas come to you the most when trying to think of a new story to write?

There is no time of day I get ideas, because everything tends to give me inspiration. I like to think out my stories pretty far along before I write them out.