Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rubies In The Orchard

TITLE: Rubies In The Orchard
AUTHOR: Lynda Resnick

Rubies In The Orchard is a book that tells you how to jump start your own business successfully. To start that business, you need to find your Rubies in the orchard. In order to be successful, you need to think inside the box, and become one with your thoughts, and concsiounce. Don't listen to the negatives people may throw at you, but follow what you believe, and what you think is right for you and your ideas. Starting off a business with confidence is your best source of positive relations. What ever you are trying to sell, make sure it is something you would buy if you were the consumer of the product. Make it a dependable product that will last through-out a long period of time. When jump starting a business, do your homework! Research what other things companies have done to make them successful in the long run, and get advice. Whether it be pomegranates, bottled water, game boards, etc. it should be what the consumer has in mind, and more! This book supplies much info for one who is interested in profiting in the marketing/company world.

I honestly have to admit it without being too cruel. I disliked this book so much. It was not something I was interested in, or will ever be interested in. The facts were great, though for someone who wants to be enlightened in all this marketing and product info, but not for someone reading it for the joy of reading. Finding myself very confused in some of the messages the author was trying to display, I felt like giving up on this read. But I pulled through as best as I could, finding myself bored with the text. Don't get me wrong, there were tons of facts, and ideas within the hardcovers, but it didn't brighten my attention anymore than what it was. One thing that really caught my attention was the fact that this book was supposed to help the reader uncover the hidden gems in THEIR business. I felt this whole book was a boasting session. It didn't help you that much, other than teach you what the author had done through-out her business. Honestly, I didn't learn much. It talked about money, and how much they spent in advertisement, research, etc, I felt as if this was more of a biography other than a self-help genre. I wouldn't recommend this book to someone that is reading for the fun of it. You have to be down-right serious about starting a business if you read this book... I hate to be so harsh.


Marie said...

Congrats on braving it through a business book! You are far braver than I!