AUTHOR: Stefan Petrucha
My Review:
Caleb Dunne is a major slacker. Everything slides past him un-noticably. He lives with his mom and grandpa, barely making ends-meet, Caleb, barely making it out of high-school. He is known as the one that destroyed the gym when it was in the middle of being rebuilt. After being spotted by Al-den, his "reputation", not only being known as a major slacker, but a disgrace to the school. Destroying the hopes of a new gym.
But he knows he did nothing. He ran because he didn't want to be blamed.
Then Vicky invites him to join The Rule Of One club. A club that meets and discuss what they want or "Crave" in life, and how to get it just by chanting, and believing without having to work for it. Of course, you had to read The Rule of Won to fully understand the club, and that is exactly what Caleb does. In hope that after wishing people would begin to talk to him, and not look at him as a kid that ruined the school's gym, he joins. Not expecting the worse.
At first it sounds too good. How could you just wish for something, and truly believe getting it without working for it is possible? Well, half of the school does. Even teachers wear the club pin.
Ethan is the leader of the club. Teaching the growing club how to iManifest what you want. And then "poof," you'll get it. But something is weird about Ethan. The way he smiles about all of the things they wish for. Evil. Greedily. And even the club is getting a little weird. Some, saying they will bring weapons to school for protection, Cravers forcing non-cravers to chant with them.
but everything they wish for comes true. The money for the school to rebuild the gym, the basket ball game, and everyone getting A's on their math finals. But it comes with a price.
Caleb knows that it was all coincidence when the opposite team loses to a flu epidemic, and SNH wins the game, and when the grant for SNH's money was talked about before Ethan and The Crave wished and chanted for it. But what happened when everyone got A's on their math tests? The math teacher was in a wreck, barely making it. The test was cancelled. Everyone had to retake an easier test by an easier teacher, one that everyone could ace.
After all, you want whatever happens to you deep inside. Even if it is killing yourself. And that is what almost happens to Erica, one of Caleb's best friends. She feels guilty about wishing for an A on the final, not knowing that it would come with a price. She tries to commit suicide. After all, she did want that deep inside, didn't she?
When befriending Moore (the one who said he destroyed the gym), and the rest of the newspaper staff, they begin to know something is weird about this Ethan and his Cravers. But what?
Does the Newspaper crew know something, the Cravers dont? And what's up with those amazing drawing Ethan's sister draws for the crave? Did the math teacher really just Get into a weck, or did someone make it happen to form the Crave into something realistic?
It will all end in one battle, between the cravers, and the non-believers. The school students will turn against each other, whether it involves blood or not. The Cravers will Rule the school.
My Thoughts:
I absolutely loved this book. It was far different than anything I have ever read. The plot kept me going, surprises on every page. The whole line of the story was extraordinary, and was one adventure I will never forget. It seemed so realistic, and I felt as if I were there. One thing I didn't care for though, was the ending. I could predict some of it, but there were surprises included as well. I liked the beginning, how it started with Alyssa's, Ethan's sister, point of view on her brother's insanity. She goes against him the whole time he is with The Rule of Won, and I really liked her courage for doing so. This story was simple, and fun to read. It was an easy flowing plot that kept the reader turning page after page, waiting to see what would happen next. I highly recommend this book. It was packed with mystery, adventure, secrets, and humor.
TAGS: Revolt, mystery, clubs, humor, young adult, slacker, teen, high-school, secrets, fun, 5, reccomend.